How to use this site
Using the site
Information for account holders can be found if you scroll down this page.
We regret to say that we cannot handle small orders from individual members of the public. General retail customers can contact us directly on 020 8789 2081 for details of a shop or other supplier in your area who will be able to help you.
Visitors who are not website account holders are welcome to browse around and see what we have available. However, you will not be able to buy from us and you will not be able to see prices which are only visible to logged in account holders.
Finding your way around
You can find items you are interested in by navigating through the groupings on the menu on the left hand side of the page.
You can also use the Search Function which you reach via the search box (which you can find at the top right of any page).
If you would like to search by SKU (Cat Ref on our old site) you may need to put double quotes around the number as you type it into the search box.
If you would like to find items which may have been added or revised recently, please select “All Playing Cards and Games Products” (or All Mind, Body, Spirit products) from the dropdown as shown here:
And then click on the “Sort by title” box to reveal a dropdown menu as shown and then click to select the criterion you would like to sort by:
On some pages, you have the option to filter results, for example: Author, Publisher, Manufacturer. (N.B. some products may not yet have all these aspects completely configured so you may not find everything we have available via these filters – August 2018). Logged in account holders can filter or sort by price as well.
Account holders
If you are a website account holder, first of all log in via the link on the banner towards the top of the page. Account holders will find more information and can place orders with us via this website. Applications for accounts are welcomed from the trade.
To find out if you might be eligible for a website account, use the “Apply for account” form which you can reach by clicking here: Click here to apply
If you are a logged-in account holder you can place orders via this website. To put an item in your shopping basket click “Add to basket” (under the thumbnail picture on list pages, or next to the picture on product pages where there is also an option to specify how many you would like to order).
You can review what is in your basket at any time by clicking the link at the top right of the page and following the instructions there.
When you have completed your order, click the view basket/checkout link (along the very top of any page) and follow the instructions.
Please note, at present all prices shown on the site do not include VAT and VAT will not be shown in the checkout or the order confirmation. VAT will be added where applicable to the invoice you will be sent while your order is being processed.
Please let us know if you think these instructions need more detail or if anything is confusing. Please click here to find ways to contact us.