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by Cerridwen Greenleaf

published by Cico Books

ISBN 978 1 800653702

SRP: £14.99



by Cerridwen Greenleaf

published by Cico Books

ISBN 978 1 800653764

SRP: £14.99


Welcome to the world of sacred self-care to help you restore serenity to your life.  Discover simple spells and rituals, as well as helpful hints to deal with stress, anxiety, and worry.

You will discover and delight in:

  •  Crystals to ground, balance, and create a flow of ease and positive energy.
  •  Stress-busting essential oils and aromatherapy to boost your immunity and mood.
  •  The deep healing benefits of herbal brews, tinctures, and tonics.
  •  Witch-crafting for calm with kitchen cupboard incense, enchanted amulets, and an amethyst   circle-of-protection ring.
  •  Sweet dream charms, potions, and spells for a good night’s sleep.
  •  The mental magic of meditation for relaxation and letting go to find greater clarity and peace.

Distributed by David Westnedge Ltd., London.



Additional information

Author or illustrator

Cerridwen Greenleaf


Cico Books

Date added to website

October 2024

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