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by Chris-Anne

published by Hay House

ISBN 978 1 4019 7872 3

SRP: £20.99



by Chris-Anne

published by Hay House

ISBN 978 1 4019 7872 3

SRP: £20.99

Right now, Light Seers are needed more than ever.

Step into a realm of symbolism, magic, healing, and meaning as you travel the shadows-and-sunshine-laden-path of the Light Seer. Whether you’re a seasoned cardslinger or just beginning your journey, this expanded guide will help you tune in to the quietest whispers of your intuition and connect with the deeper meanings of the cards as you dive into the artwork and messages of The Light Seer’s Tarot.

Filled with loving messages from the tarot archetypes, Tarot For Light Seers invites you to uncover your infinite potential while also taking sacred accountability through introspective journaling prompts, unique spreads to connect to the Major Arcana, new correspondences for healing, as well as a side-by-side comparison to the classic Rider-Waite-Smith tarot. This richly detailed guidebook is an ode to your inner journey – a call to step into the intuitive and healing world of the Light Seer. Are you ready to see, believe, and become the light that guides the way forward?

Distributed by David Westnedge Ltd., London.



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Hay House

Date added to website

January 2025

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